Daniel Mendoza, The Father of Scientific Boxing (1764 - 1836)
Whether pitched battles ought to be encouraged, may well be made the subject of dispute; but no doubt can surely be entertained, by those who reflect for a moment on the subject, of the propriety of learning the art of Self Defence, when it is well known that peaceable behavior is no security against rudeness and insult.
From Jack O'Brien, (1878 – 1942) Former Light-Heavyweight Champion
Boxing is almost an ideal form of physical
recreation. It offers the youth and mature man
a clever and fascinating athletic pastime. It is a
scientific sport combining a form of vigorous
exercise with a maximum of mental activity,
There is probably no competitive sport that requires
as much mental agility as boxing. You
have got to think while under machine-gun fire,
You have got to see, plan, and act instantaneously.
There is no chance for a second thought.
for “time out,” or “huddle.” Either you have
grasped the opportunity or it is gone.
In childhood and youth are laid the foundations
of character and health. Boxing aids in
the development of both. In itself an excellent
form of physical activity, it is rounded out by
the supplementary training. ...
Boxing breeds confidence, gameness, selfdenial,
sportsmanship, mental alertness. It enables
you to stand a lot of knocking about, to
take misfortune with a grin, and good fortune
without getting a “swelled head.” It teaches
self-control under the most trying circumstances,
respect and consideration for your fellow
beings, tolerance, control of emotions and
facial expressions, ability to take and give as a
man. General opinion to the contrary, very few
boxers are mean or cruel. It is a game to them,
a game challenging their manhood, testing their
mettle, offering the joy of physical and mental
combat, and earning them the knowledge that
they have been tried in battle and have not been
found wanting. It is an exhaust for the superabundant.
energy of vigorous youth.