Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mendoza's Treatise on Boxing

Daniel Mendoza (1764-1836), "The Father of Scientific Boxing."

Here, for your reading pleasure, are a few lines from Daniel Mendoza's book.

Parry the blows of your adversary's right hand with your left, and those of his left hand with your right.
This rule ought never to be disregarded, except when you see a safe opportunity of catching a blow of his right hand if aimed at the face on your right, and striking him in the loins with your left; or of stopping his left-arm stroke on your left, and directing your right fist to his kidneys.

If your adversary aims all round blows,
Which is generally the case with a man ignorant of Boxing, you should strike straight forward, as a direct line reached its target sooner than one which is circular.

If he gives way, or is staggered by a severe blow,
You should not be anxious to recover your guard and stand on the defensive, as this will only be giving him time to recollect himself, but take advantage of his momentary confusion and follow up the blow.

If you are long-armed,
You will have an advantage over your antagonist, as your guard will keep him at a distance, and your blows, by reaching further, will be struck with more force.

If short-armed,
Your superiority over your antagonist will consist in close fighting. You must endeavour to get within the compass of his arms, and aim straight blows, which will reach him before he can strike at you, and if he does strike at you, his fists will go over your shoulder.

If your adversary is ignorant of Boxing,
He will generally strike round blows, or plunge head-forward. If he strikes round blows in an awkward, slovenly manner, content yourself with aiming at his face and stomach, in a straight forward direction. If he strikes them quickly, stand chiefly on the defensive, stopping his blows, and throwing in the return whenever you find it convenient. And when you perceive him winded, hit as fast as possible, and follow up your blows. If he butts, or plunges at you head-long, you may either strike straight forwards and catch his face on your fist; or turn round on your left heel, and let him fly over your thigh; or jump on one side, and strike him with one hand as he advances, and the other as he passes by.

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